The cutest slippers
I'm not sure which student these belong to but I think they are adorable. They're like something out of Where the Wild Things Are.
I made it through the week!! Today we didn't have any subs, just Christi and myself but we made it work. Quite honestly it was easier without the subs as we didn't have to explain anything to anyone.
Tonight the Irish group is going to play for a community Irish dinner that is a fundraiser for a Laramie cookbook. We'll get free food and play for about an hour. It should be lots of fun.
On the kitty front, I think a male cat has been using the cat shelter. I came home from music last night and I'd forgotten to put the dry food back inside and it was mostly eaten. I'm sure it wasn't her plus he sprayed around the box... yuck!
Today I moved the box into a corner in the front yard. I don't want to take it away from him (I've never seen him) but it's out of the way from my back door and it shouldn't interfere with my kitty. We'll see.
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