Quick blip! The road home.
After all my morning ablutions and exercises we had lunch at 1:00pm.
Then Stephen and I had a drive out to the hospital as I’d left my coat there in my room last Saturday on coming home,
As I waited in the car, he collected it from Reception, (they had phoned me the other day), and we set off to have a drink at the Chase Farmhouse Café on the way back.
I had a hot chocolate and we shared a rather large piece of Cappuccino cake!
Since then I’ve been enjoying catching up with your blips a bit after teatime, and watching the nightly Richard Osmond’s “House of Games” quiz show with a. difference on BBC 2.
It has been very cold today, and this afternoon there have been several heavy showers of hailstones,
I took the photo on our way home before we got to the Farm.
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