15:43 In the garden.
The washing was hung out by Stephen first thing. It was dry mid afternoon.
My usual morning routine took place.
After lunch I walked up to the summerhouse, on my two crutches of course, and sat inside for awhile.
Just wonderful in the sunshine.
Such a treat.
The light is so bright and clear.
Daffodils out in the side borders along with my geums, and both purple and red clumps of primulas.
The rhubarb has taken off! Its second year, so we can actually harvest it this time.
Our family came around at 4:00pm, with a lovely dairy free homemade moist chocolate cake and candles to use, for us to be able to celebrate our youngest grandson’s 9th birthday, and for us to give him his present, His actual birthday was Monday, and given it was a few days after my operation we couldn’t make it, so it was lovely to share in it today, The main event having been on the actual date.
So two birthday celebrations in a week, with two cakes!
The eldest grandson, 13, the birthday boy, and the youngest granddaughter, 5, were without our eldest granddaughter, 12, who has a sore throat and wasn’t well. She stayed home with her mum.
Our son brought everyone.
The birthday boy had iced the cake. Then he added the candles after which he was supervised by his dad, lit them and wanted us to sing “Happy Birthday”to which we duly obliged!
We sat around our large table in the back lounge, with cake and Smoothies.
Good to see them all.
They stayed for an hour, which was long enough, and then went home for their tea at 5:00pm.
We have not long had ours, so I thought I’d catch up a bit on Blip.
A week today since I was in hospital having my operation.
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