Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The other day I blipped seeds that sprouted quickly. This is the seed package and the latin name is: Ipomoea x multifida, for those interested. :)

Yesterday when I was walking to the bus stop after wirk, a younger man walked up beside me and started talking. I’m not in the mood for such behaviour… so I was very short in my answers to his many questions. He wasn’t put off at first, and continued trying, but he then realised I wasn’t interested in talking so he left me alone, thankfully. He got on the same bus as me, but I placed my large backpack on the seat next to me, and the sword bag in front of me, so he continued walking further down.
I’m not sure why he thought walking first behind a women and then start talking to her, was a good idea…
Today, on the other hand, another man approached me, or rather he came in a large truck to collect cardboard and plastics. He asked a bunch of questions, that I gladly answered. He’d never been here before. I opened the door to the recycling room for him, since there were some problems with keys, apparently. I hope that gets resolved, so they can do their job easier.

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