Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

One of my chores today. This time we filled our wheelbarrows with soil outside and dumped it in the tomato beds. Hard work, especially before breakfast! I had no energy my last load, and it was so nice to get my over night oats and eat! I do like this hard work, though, even if my back wasn't happy with me at all... I had to get up during the break, because we had customers, and my back was just protesting and I moved like a duck... :D 
After the break I sowed the last of the seeds I had on my list, then started needle felting before changing into my work out clothes and walking over to Greenhouse 3. My boss told me that since the area is being remodelled, Greenhouse 3 will get a small make over too. She doesn't know when, but we'll know when it happens. I told her I could ask them (the workers) to take a break while I practiced, or get some kind of solution, because I don't want to miss out on this fabulous place to practice in. As soon as I stepped inside and brought out my sword, I could just feel happiness rise and I just smiled and laughed when I got into the flow of movements, cutting down, swirling around, cutting up, lift up to a high guard, then drop back and swirl around to cut up, high guard, move the sword around my head and then the last cut down. And the steps to fit the movements. 35 minutes later I was done and had a chat with a coworker/friend who's done martial arts with a katana sword, so talking to her about my training was just amazing. Otherwise I'd be all bubbels and not be able to get it out. Now I could just return to my needle felting and laugh about silly things with my coworker. 

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