
By flavia13


Anothe lovely day weather-wise.  Rubbish night's sleep but funnily enough I don't feel too bad today, just tired so that's all good.

Thought I'd blip one of our few pale peachy coloured camellias today.  The throuble was the sun was so strong on them that they were difficult to shoot.  This is the best I could do.

I do so hope that none of you were caught up in that horrendous traffic from Junction 32 of the M6 last night.  From what I can gather there two two lorries collided, one end up astride the central barrier and one (whether the same or not I don't know) spilled diesel everywhere.  So the authorites have been working through the night to rebuild that section of the motorway and still had to re-do the central reservation this morning.  

I know they will have worked very hard to get all this done but I don't think those caught up in it were treated at all well.  Some people were stranded for 10 hours, one with a 9 day old baby.  There were also children stranded on a school bus, old age pensioners, well you get the drift.  All the roads in the area were gridlocked so it was utter chaos.  I do understand how hard they all worked and this did a grand job, but from what I can understand there was no-one checking on the people stranded and ensuring they had all their needs.  That side of things was just non existent.  

It is because of this that we are staying somewhere closer ready for my appointment on Thursday.  I'm guessing the hospital must be used to people be heavily delayed due to accidents as they seem to happen there a lot!!!  

Anyway I hope all are now at their destinations and are well and getting over this awful experience.

That's all from me for today, do take care and stay safe and I will see  you all tomorrow.

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