An early start to the morning as one of our cars had to go in for a check up by 8.30. My first time driving since my surgery but it was all OK so I'm ready for that now. I won't do too much though as I don't know yet how I will react to Radiotherapy so best if I avoid driving until afterwards I think.
Beautiful morning weatherwise, quite war out there but cooler than yesterday. Whilst at the kitchen sink I noticed our sentinel Blackbird has returned so I dashed out to get the camera, of course by the time I'd set the camera up he flew off to next door's bush, so a bit further away. The photo isn't as sharp a I would like but it was taken between two slats of vertical blinds and a window. Literally the minute I snapped this he flew off again so no second chances!!!
Still full of cold but only as expected, it's just annoying really. I must admit so far this cold hasn't been as bad as I usually get, maybe because I had one just before Christmas. This is so unusual for me, but then when the system is low all the bugs seem to find you don't they!!
That's all from me for today, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.
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