Living my dream

By Mima


Late Update: it is identified. An Octopus Stink Horn. Thanks to TeeJay and rainie :-)

I have no idea what this extraordinary fungi is. Has anybody any idea please? The 'hands' bear a remarkable resemblance to lobster claws. I've never seen anything like it.

I tried an identification app, but it didn't recognise it. It was growing beneath some eucalyptus trees, so it may be an Australian native?

It was a damp morning and it was obvious that the garden - the location of my planned activities for the day - wasn't going to dry out quickly. A long walk was the perfect alternative, so off to Bortons we went. Which is where the fungus lay in wait.

The pond was completely deserted, except for some large rainbow trout in the water, and a panoply of ducks, swans and other waterfowl on top of it.

Bean hurtled about as usual, thoroughly enjoying herself. She has slept the afternoon away while I have been making a Vacherin Fribourgeois cheese.

Sadly my home made cheese press is a failure: it is too flimsy and unstable. I am re-thinking the design to make it more robust. In the meantime I have cobbled together a very temporary contraption to weigh down this cheese overnight.

I am still very behind with Blips and comments. 

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