Living my dream

By Mima

Lurking carrots

My carrot crop is excellent this year, and because I didn't do the A&P Show a few weeks ago they weren't all picked at once to find three really good ones for my entry. Consequently they have continued growing. 

A few have split: still edible but I'll not give them to anybody else. And this year the dreaded carrot fly has stayed away (so far at least). However, there is widespread evidence of slug damage, which I have never seen before. It is easily sorted by simply shaving the skin off before eating them, but once again I don't feel I can give away sluggy carrots. 

As a result they are all for me :-) My preference is to eat them almost straight from the ground. 

I am consuming them steadily, so that I don't turn orange. My niece ate so many mandarins as a toddler that the palms of her hands and soles of her feet were orange. True story.

I have made some good headway through the To Do List today. Whilst labouring in the garden I have been semi-consciously mulling over the redesign of the cheese press. I have a plan, but not the necessary bits in the garage: they will need to be found elsewhere. Hopefully scouring the second hand shops in town will provide me with what I need.

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