
By Wildwood

Return to Flat Rocks

This is becoming one of our favorite creek walks. There is a line of bicycle helmets perched on a rock. It's been there for awhile now, so I'm thinking maybe they're for any kid who might need a little extra protection on the slippery rocks. There was a fellow poking his camera around the rocks at the base of this tree sporting it's new green leaves. There were two mallards taking a bath in one of the pools, but it was in the shade so I couldn't get a good picture of their iridescent blue/green heads. Blue vinca and big yellow oxalis blossoms are carpeting the ground next to the creek. The water has subsided considerably* but we're told that it is going to rain off and on all next week.

Although the tendency has been not to talk about it at all, we had quite a lively conversation about the takeover of our country by the oligarchs. There is no point in speculating about why they are destroying the country, because the bottom line is THEY DO NOT CARE. It's difficult to combat. 

There was a story in the paper about our two congressional representatives' reaction to the address to the nation on Tuesday night. It was almost lighthearted in it's tone. I think we're all getting punch drunk.

Among other things North Bay representative Mike Thompson found  objectionable...was the length of the speech. 'I think it was 101 minutes long or something. What is that in dog years? At one point I said, can you stop? Nothing you're saying is factual. Nothing is reality.'

Representative Jared Huffman tried to make it to the end of Trump's 9800 word oration but couldn't quite get there. 'While I tried to sit through the whole darn thing, by the time he got to crazy stuff about Greenland, I could take no more. My gag reflex overwhelmed me and I had to leave the chamber.

Democrats left in droves during the oration.

It's difficult for Democrats to figure out which battles to fight first. 'You've gotta focus' , Thompson advised. It's really easy to chase every squirrel. But you can't do that. The thing is, as soon as (Trump) does one thing, seemingly the craziest thing in the world, he flips and does something equally crazy'.

Many thanks for all the compliments on the star coat. I wasn't sure I'd like it or that it would fit. It's not really my style. But I do like it and it fits really well. 

I have to go and make some deviled eggs for the neighbors who are coming over for a drink. I'll try to catch up on comments  later....

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