Oranges and Lemons*

The county inspector came to look at the heat pump yesterday. Since it's already been thoroughly inspected, it's not totally clear why it has to be inspected again. It became even less clear when he arrived and didn't seem to know what he was supposed to be inspecting. I stayed clear but John said he had to get a ladder for him as he appeared to have arrived in his own sedan. He wasn't here for long, but it turns out he managed to disable the whole system as we discovered when we woke up this morning to a freezing house.** I tried to reprogram the thermostat, got nowhere, and we finally called Moore, the installers who came out and reported that he unplugged the thermostat from the system, and took out a fuse and replaced it upside down. How do these guys get jobs?

By the time I warmed up it was time for physical therapy which I am deciding is worse than the surgery! I can only assume that it will speed the process of regaining flexibility but it is not a lot of fun. New exercises were prescribed and I even got on one of their bikes for five minutes doing half revolutions only.

Spent the afternoon recuperating taking a nap, something I'm starting to look forward to doing.

*The oft photographed hollowed out olive branch that lives on our table filled with oranges, tangerines and limes from our trees. Faffed a bit with slow shutter.

** I can report that I slept better with nothing but Advil and Tylenol foor pain.

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