Ora Quartet
Another fine, but chilly morning. Joe and Will came and finished off the supporting wall - may be blipped at some stage.
I finished another block of the Old Block Sampler Quilt - see extra.
In the evening, I bunked off wind band rehearsal and we went to a concert in Waterford. It's International Women's Day on Saturday, and to celebrate that the all female Ora String Quartet are performing a series of concerts featuring all female composers. The first one was part of the Waterford Music Spring season. It was in a venue that is new to us - the Garter Lane Theatre - a lovely little theatre, but sadly not well soundproofed from the outside world - the first half was disturbed several times by revving motorcycles.
The pieces were largely quite modern, and not quite tuneful enough to suit our conservative taste. One (called Blueprint) was by my namesake! But the final piece was a rather delightful quartet composed by Florence Price.
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