Combining several households

An interesting mixture of households here.

The firescreen was, I believe, sewn by my Auntie Connie.  My mother's sister, she emigrated to the USA soon after I was born, settled there, and I have American cousins.

The cats have featured on Blip before - they are pottery, made and hand painted by my father's father.

The pewter candlestick was part of a large collection of pewter in W's father's house.

The wooden "saucer" under the left hand candle was turned by W.

And the birds and bulrushes on the wooden base came from South Africa with W.  Packed by unappreciative packers who bent the longer wires to fit it into a box, it's never been quite the same since!

We've had another day putting up pictures - the hall walls are now quite well covered.

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