Blush response

By Esper

The Golden Bough

On This Day In History
1986: Georgia O'Keefe dies

Quote Of The Day
"Nothing is less real than realism. Details are confusing. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis, that we get at the real meaning of things."
(Georgia O'Keefe)

I completely agree with Ms. O'Keefe, especially when it applies to fiction. For me, the hero's journey in mythic fantasy such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Lord of The Rings and Percy Jackson speak far more deeply to profound truth than any of the grimy kitchen sink dramas by the likes of John Osborne, Shelagh Delaney or Ken Loach. Of course, many people will disagree with me on this but that's OK; there's room enough for all of us here.

Skywalker Theme

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