Blush response

By Esper

What's Real?

On This Day In History
2002: Defense rests in Andrea Yates trial

Quote Of The Day
"Severe mental illness like psychosis can lead to a tragedy like this - that people can see things that aren't real and hear things that aren't real and believe things that aren't real, and act in that distorted reality."
(Andrea Yates)

Another wonderful Founders' Day. A joyous ceremony at the cathedral. It was great to hear one of our alumni from eight years ago delivering a speech and hearing what an incredible young lady she has become, being a leader in several sports teams and a secretary for the Model United Nations with a deep interest in celebrating and promoting D.E.I.J. causes. I was touched. As always, it was a pleasure for me to deliver the speech announcing my choice for the Year Four Spirit of St. Michael's Award. I was delighted to see my class all giving him thumbs up; no animosity or jealousy whatsoever. I was also delighted to see that my first choice for the Spirit of St. Michael's Award last year won it this year. The reason I never gave it to her was because several other teachers had said that she was too focussed on her own learning and not cognisant of classmates whom she could assist. I had told her mother, in confidence, why I had not been able to give her the award (without mentioning any teachers’ names, of course) and it seems she had passed that on to her daughter because when I asked those teachers today they all said that she definitely no longer displays that attitude and is now far less self-focussed.

Back at school, I had a wonderful time leading three different groups of mixed Year Three and Year Four pupils in an art project making Compassion Trees.

Today's quote got me thinking. Perhaps it's not so much one's beliefs that constitute psychosis as the behaviour that arises from those beliefs. Some might say that believing in angels and demons, especially if one claims to have seen such beings, could be a determiner of psychosis. However, it is more likely to be regarded as faith manifest until, that is, that belief causes the believer to engage in criminal behaviour. Then Faith becomes psychosis.

I believe in the existence of angels and demons, although not entirely with the Christian narrative that surrounds them. I also believe in Ben's theory that many thousands of years ago, there was a planet wide disaster on Mars which caused the technologically advanced humanoid civilisation that lived there to abandon the planet and settle on the Earth. There is a lot of archaeological evidence being uncovered on Mars which points to such a civilisation having once lived there, as well as some intriguing evidence discovered by the remote viewer Joe McMneagle. Moneagle described seeing humanoid creatures ten to twelve feet in height living on Mars around one million years B.C. I find it very interesting that the creatures who were seen by dozens of witnesses at the Miami Bayside Mall were also ten to twelve feet high with humanoid form. This is also exactly what was captured on the body-cam footage of the police officers who investigated the U.A.P. which crashed in Las Vegas. Could some of the ancestors from the Martian exodus still be living on Earth? It does fit in very snugly with the Nephilim described in the Book of Enoch, the skeletons of which were recently found in the lost ancient city of Ratanaba in the Amazon rainforest.

Of course, these beliefs are probably considered to be totally whack and the likes of Ben and I regarded as nut jobs. Thankfully, until I start maiming or killing people because ten-foot shadow bastards told me to, at least I won't be considered psychotic.

Anyway, if you are interested in learning about the evidence for an ancient Martian civilisation, you should watch this Caspersight video. It's amazing!

Proof (It's definitely Proof. Not Poof. Not Proust. Proof.)

Who knew Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Paul Simon could dance like M.C. Hammer?

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