Blush response

By Esper


On This Day In History
1953: Joseph Stalin dies

Quote Of The Day
"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."
(Joseph Stalin)

We had a visit from a very special guest this afternoon; Myaku Myaku, the official mascot of Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai, Japan. To be honest, along with many Japanese people, I thought Myaku Myaku was something of a tragedy himself. I have to say, though, having met him in person, he is actually quite charming. He looks weird in 2D, but he's big, furry, has a happy face and bundles of energy. I like him.

The kids were super excited when he entered the school hall and posed for a whole school photograph and then with each year group. He seemed happy to be hugged and stroked, high-fived and low-fived by so many children. That's a special talent.

Everyone went home with an Expo 2025 flyer and note pad, the subject of today's blip.

Myaku Myaku Dance (You have to learn this dance, alright?)

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