
By HareBrain


What a beautiful start to the day.
Later on I decided, rightly or wrongly, that I preferred this* (extra) to A&E. ……  After my abnormal ECG yesterday I was advised to go to A&E to get a further check but before I did , I decided to have a conversation with an ex-GP friend of ours who although is a little younger than us, also has serious heart issues and suffered a total heart block some two years ago so I thought he would  give me good advice.  I read my ECG out to him and he said that he had had the virus that we’ve got and also his ECG had thrown up the same problems as mine.  Long story short he thought that the virus and my chest and sinus infections had put a considerable strain on my already  dicky heart and that I should take the further course of steroids and stronger Abs and see how things go in a week or so …..  In the meantime I have to be aware that if I do get any worse then I must be off to A&E forthwith. 

Extra:  What I preferred.  I had a lovely couple of hours in the garden, beautiful sunshine, birdsong, my book and with my headphones on, music and podcasts, in my mind the best medicine, hopefully??  – Meanwhile Mr HB built the Ikea chair. I love it.

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