Woke at 6am to the sound of a very tentative dawn chorus. Got up and did a few jobs including the ironing. Mr. HB is still not fully well after our horrid virus but kindly drove me in to town for a few more jobs, one of which was to our super picture framer to get the lovely print framed which I bought from Mary Ann Rogers in Northumberland last June, can’t believe I’ve taken so long to get that done and can’t wait to have it back and up on the wall.
Back from town and we were both shattered so a bit of lunch and then a snooze in the garden when it was lovely and sunny, rain pushed in at around 4pm. My blip is of the little wild cyclamen in the blue box. I’ve given them a Polar Coordinates filter for Abstract Thursday. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.
Sorry I haven’t done anything for World Book Day but I have read some of my current read – The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes and enjoying it. We’ll will be watching the grand final of 500 Words later.
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