Living my dream

By Mima

Next stop the freezer

The red cabbage I picked yesterday was turned into sweet and sour this morning. There are five containers in the freezer now, ready for winter warmer meals.

I have to cook brassica dishes first thing before the flies appear. If I leave it until after about 10am the kitchen fills up with the little buzzers, especially when the windows and door are open obviously.

Friends A and J have a Chinese takeaway every Sunday night and have taken to saving all the plastic containers to pass on to me. 

They are excellent for freezing food, although I don't use them for heating anything up in the microwave like I used to. I have learnt too much about the unknown impacts of chemicals in plastics to risk that any more. (Of course I am probably too late to avoid poisoning myself, but just in case I'm not...). 

I now have two carrier bags stuffed full of these containers and have asked them to desist. I have suggested that they return them all to the Chinese restaurant...

There must be some takeaways where you take your own (non-plastic) containers. If not, there should be. It would be a great for marketing and publicity.

Also today I baked the sourdough loaves that I mixed and proved yesterday. I gardened at K's all morning and had a long sad chat with R who is struggling without her. 

Beanio and I had a lovely long walk which took most of the afternoon. It is fabulous that both of us are fit enough to be out for hours rather than minutes again.

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