Return to Bortons Pond
Awaking to a clear sky - which was soon illuminated by sunshine instead of the forecast rain - I decided on a whim that we would have an early walk at Bortons Pond to make the very most of the unexpected glorious morning.
This is the water intake from the Waitaki River, whooshing through the gates and down the channel towards the pond. Big trout lurk just to the left of this shot. Another photo of raupo (native reed) beds is in the extra.
As usual Bean bounced, hurtled, zoomed and boinged almost all the way round. We were both having such a good time that we walked for an hour and a half, meeting only one other person and her dog.
We hadn't met before, but of course we stopped for a long chat. And unexpectedly we ended up weeping and hugging each other.
Her gorgeous old great dane x boxer called Griffin was having his last ever walk, anywhere. His body was riddled with cancer, he was barely eating, his waterworks had stopped operating, he was very slow.
But he wagged his tail when we approached, and he and Bean had a few moments of nose to nose communication. She then stood right next to him quietly, almost but not quite touching. She knew. She is a sensitive soul sometimes.
His owner and I talked about special dogs and the privilege of helping them die before they are in distress, and the associated heartbreak. It was inevitable that we wept.
I feel so glad to have met them today, and to have been able to give lovely Griff an ear rub, and to have allowed him and Bean to commune. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to take a photo, but it never crossed my mind.
His passing will have been peaceful, at home, with his dog brother and sister, and his humans by his side. RIP Griffin.
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