
By KateH

Long day

i have been dithering about which aspect of the day to show given it started and ended in such different modes

Another frosty sunny start and after walking Woody round the edge of farmland we had breakfast and watched Jonathan opening presents.  Today his actual birthday, but also my brother Jonathan’s birthday so those stars aligned. 

We went to look at the spring flowers in a lovely garden belonging to Susannan’s sister and admired the flock of black Welsh mountain sheep already bringing forth sooty little lambs.  Lunch was a fantastic lasagne from last night’s cooks and then we took our leave. 
V drove me to Bristol and I got a train to Liverpool where I met up with Nick L, Jonathan and our consultant and we caught the night ferry to Belfast.  We were allowed on the bridge for a bit and enjoyed talking to the captain and admiring his plant collection.  

Actually looking at my ferry pictures none of them are worth putting up.  This is a picture of daughter of the house Eliza’s painting alongside one of the posies I made for the table last night.  

Finally got to the cabin around 1 am.  At least ferries are quieter than sleeper trains. 

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