Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Taroudant and beyond

Our departure time this morning was unavoidably delayed because someone found a praying mantis. It is an extra. Tiny and very thin.

We drove east and had coffee at a beautiful hotel near to Taroudant. I stayed in the city many years ago on my first trip with Authentic Adventures and the wonderful Jonathan Perugia. He taught me such a lot about photographing people.

The city has sprawled into a much larger place than before but the centre is much the same and within the walls.

In the souk we were taken by a guide and dutifully kept together. There were great moments like my main blip. We are at the spice stall and the seller is trying to convince everyone to buy his remedy for snoring. As you can see, two people are preparing to sniff the mixture while Alison has just finished.

The guide did not seem to like us and was disappointed that we did not buy more. I bought a small wooden tagine in a shop opposite the jewellery shop he wanted us to go into.

I’m sure he was getting a cut wherever he took us. I would have much preferred to wander, but it was still good to be back there. This souk is the market for the town and the stall holders do not hassle tourists.

On to a Palmery which is an oasis now run by a cooperative. Various crops grow amongst the date palms. My second extra is the tiny scarlet pimpernel, the blue variety.

It’s been another good day.

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