
By dunkyc

Petulance and adaptation

It was our quarterly team meeting down in Leigh today.

Two new members of the team were being blooded by delivering their sales plans and for the most part, they did great. I don’t envy them the pressure as I remember doing mine and I don’t think it went that well….

However, it is a good test because if you can’t stand up to sell yourself in a room full of people who are on your side then you’re not going to stand much chance out in the cold, harsh real world.

Speaking of which, it was disappointing to hear of the latest actions of a pathetic petulant president putting a pause on help to the Ukraine this morning. Just when you think he can sink no lower, he always seems to find a way…

Focus on the positives, which was a very pleasant few hours spent in the company of great colleagues. It may well prove to be the last time that we are all together in that room as an overdue and much-deserved retirement is looming and I’m genuinely not sure for how much longer my boss can push himself. 

Regardless, there was lot of warmth in that room and I’m sure that unlike some orange presidents, we will evolve and adapt over the coming months.

It certainly shouldn’t be dull.

Which is saying something, as I work in insurance!

Apologies for a repeat of past photos, but this is the latest of the river near my home.

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