All this play is tiring..
What a lovely spring day.. we woke to a heavy frost but beautiful clear blue skies.. and it remained sunny all day. We did a lot of tidying in the garden cutting back the things that needed cutting back before they start their spring growth and some places are now looking a lot better.
The bonfire is growing.. I keep thinking we should get a shredder but.. it is just another bit of kit to store and we don't really have a place for one.
Jasper has had a lovely day and while she has been here her appetite has returned somewhat.. apparently she has not been eating much of late so it is good it is improving now. I think the boat is pretty close to a road and she is nervous of cars (quite rightly) so hasn't been out much.. but then the weather has not been to her liking either I guess.
Eldest arrived for supper and will head off tomorrow morning taking the four legs with her. .. boat moving time has come round so her winter mooring has to be departed from tomorrow.
Really looking forward to the forecast sunny days ahead.. must go out with my sketchbook
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