
By Shutterup


She has been out and about in the garden today and sleeping indoors also but in between times she has been a bit of an imp! We were quietly taking a few minutes to do the sudoku at the kitchen table when she strolled by between our eyes and our pens.. not once or twice but again and again.. then settled down next to us on the newspaper while flicking her tail in our direction. Finally she could take the scribbling no longer and went for the pen with an outstretched paw (with claw) .. all very sweet and mingled with huge yawns. 
It has been a beautiful day.. the sheets washed and dried outside and the new tables oiled ready for our summer outdoor meals. 
I managed to get a little clearing up done in the front garden too.. much needed to make it look cared for. I am amazed how much the alkanet has grown through the winter and I really don't want it there so have done a big weed out of it.. hope it won't regrow with more vigour!

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