
By TMac

Day 46

Day 46.

Today I am grateful for friends that agree to join me on a last minute decision walk. Thank you Karen Barton . And thank you Jane Campbell and Michelle Mclaren for being there in spirit. It was good to get out in the fresh air and have a good blether.
Adding in another gratitude for our NHS. 
From the initial 111 call to arriving at Minor Injuries, Lewis Macpherson was triaged, examined, x-rayed, and sorted quickly. Without a bill to pay!! Hospital visit was done and dusted in under an hour. Too often we hear the bad stuff about the NHS. Let's be very grateful we don't live in the USA!!

Almost 4 miles walked today.

Didn't take a single photo out on our walk, which is something of a record.
So, today's photo is my "Guardian Puffin", taken whilst sitting in the car park at Queen Margaret's Hospital waiting for hopalong to be seen...

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