A Favourite Place

My Mum & Dad's garden. Love being out there with Stella, wish I had room for more trees in mine, I find them so relaxing :)

Facebook & Twitter friends will know I needed to call the on duty doctor at my surgery today. The numbness returned while I was walking, thankfully only my left-hand side but also it felt like an allergic reaction type thing with my tongue feeling swollen and tingly too! We've decided to stop my new medicine until I've seen my GP on Friday and I'll probably ask him not to try anything different until I've had my hospital appointment.

I was enjoying the extra hour's sleep every night and the reduced pain but these side-effects and almost constant fatigue aren't worth it. It may be different if I knew the side-effects would only last a couple more days and then the headaches/tinnitus/dizziness would be cured about 75% but the odds don't look that great at all so I'll wait it out for now.

Did manage to stop on the way home from work and grab a another geocache for our challenge which was a nice change of scene for Stella too.

In good news, I did sell some stuff on ebay today so some of tomorrow's dental appointment is covered! :)

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