Something You Made

I made this little mouse at school many moons ago in a woodwork class, I loved doing his little leather ears and his long leather tail!

Had to find something for the August photo-a-day challenge that would make me smile, today turned out to be somewhat testing when new vestibular migraine symptoms appeared midday.

Felt fine this morning, drove to work, tired but ok, did some office-y stuff, walked Stella to the post office, lost balance a little walking back but felt ok. Then suddenly overwhelmingly tired so let myself have a short nap; woke up and had a horrible combination of numbness and pins & needles in both arms and legs. I sometimes get this on my left hand side but never both.

My poor mum thought I was joking till she looked at me being utterly helpless and then bursting into tears! It took a good 2 hours for me to feel better and feel like I wasn't wearing somebody else's hands and feet. I'd rather wake up with the dizzies and know not to plan anything than have it strike out of nowhere like that. Tomorrow will be better!

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