In Your Bag

The contents of my bag these days are less than thrilling...painkillers, migraine patches, seasickness bands, rescue remedy spray, polos...all the things that keep an anxious migraineur sane during any given day!

But, though it was an impulse buy, I still very much love my purse. Found it quite randomly in some shop-or-other in Cambridge I think and *had* to have it. Not just because of it's purple tones but because it has lovely appealing designs *and* is big enough for the plethora of loyalty cards etc we all need to carry these days! :)

Still got several hours uninterrupted sleep after stopping my new medication but the headache when I woke up was hideous so I cancelled my dentist appointment and made another one for an afternoon next week.

The high dose of aspirin I'm allowed did reduce it enough to take Stella for walkies but we weren't long home before exhaustion hit along with another dizzy spell.

Feeling ok again now but can't help feeling the day has sort of been lost again! It's looking like this photography challenge is the only one I'll be able to maintain for the month. Daily geocaching is proving too much sadly.

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