Sheep may safely graze
I went to pick up S from the airport this morning. Very efficient as he'd just stepped out of the terminal as I drove up, and we were on our way home within five minutes.
It's been a lovely day, far better than forecast, and in the afternoon we went up to the bergerie to see A and his woolly ladies --it's been a while. He only has four now, so they are a bit easier to manage. His brother M showed up too, and after coffee and cake in the conservatory we took the sheep for their habitual afternoon walk. They are totally devoted to A, and follow wherever he leads (extra 1). They enjoyed the lush grass too, although they are already too fat. Extra 2: S tries to interest them in the book by a Catalan shepherd for which he has written the preface: he received his copy today.
Once A, M and the sheep turned for home, we said goodbye and returned to the village by a slightly longer route than intended due to being on the wrong side of a ravine. A really pleasant afternoon out; we didn't get home till nearly six.
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