
By MumOf4Wildlings

Nearly there

I left bright and early this morning.  Gord met me here and off we went. What a beautiful day for a run. Just over 10miles. I did feel like I had a block of cement around my back the last 2 miles and stuck on some deep heat. I should have brought a painkiller.  But I managed it and it's a new record on distance.  2hrs 18mins. So I don't mind the time either. 

A visit to nana and grandads.  Xander will be the same size as her shortly.  

Mr R and the wildlings are in the garden digging up roots. I've came back inside.  

Thanks again for more sponsors.  I can't get over how kind and generous people are. 

Mind you it's exactly what blip is. My tree is in the extra. Look at what a community of people who now blip. I love blip and look forward to reading people's journals. I can't imagine not blipping.  It's a wonderful community of people.  All started by Joe Tree. What a brilliant idea he had. 

Oh my eggs were my treat after my run 

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