
By MumOf4Wildlings


This morning started off with pancakes for 3 of the wildlings. They were happy as I made them different shapes and characters.  

It's been a day mostly in the house and garden with a dump run thrown in too. 

I snapped these photos while inside of the wildlings having fun on the trampoline.  

Yesterday after  I uploaded to blip we had a power cut for a few hour's.  Our main RTC switch wouldn't go back on. The wildlings ended up doing shadow play. And coping well. It took the jedi a while to warm up to the fact we had no power. A electrician was supposed to come and see us last night before midnight but didn't turn up. Thankfully we got it working again but the switch is faulty. So they are coming out tomorrow at some point.  

Thanks for your encouraging comments regarding my run yesterday.  My thighs are tender today. But my just giving page is at £642. How amazing 

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