Flower Friday ...
... First Flower, Flying insect and Final February F.
We certainly had a Fantastically Full day ... starting with a trip to Jacobsburg State park for the Final Project Feeder Watch in February.
After spending about an hour there counting and photographing all the Feeding Feathered Friends we went across the street to the Frog pond area. Nothing to see there except the Frozen pond ... no Frogs yet.
As I wanted to put the rented lens (28-400mm) to the ultimate test we then drove to Downtown Easton. While here we encountered Fluttering Flags, a Flock of Flying gulls, Flying machines (planes), and man's best Friend ... a couple of Frolicking dogs. And also some Floating waterFowl ... mallards and geese.
And since I still didn't have anything for Flower Friday we stopped at Housenick Memorial park on the way home. We had seen these Future Flowers there earlier in the week. Just as I was about to Finish up with my Fotos along came this Flying insect ... our First honey bee of the year! Thanks to Anni for hosting Flower Friday each week.
And that brings to a Finish my self appointed February F Challenge for 2025. I don't think I was quite as successful getting something that starts with F as the last time I did this challenge (2012). But everyday I had some sort of F ... whether the object actually started with an F or I had a little word play. Furthermore I won't be repeating this again!
In other news: Ironically I took Five hundred Fifty Four pictures today ... but whittled it down to under Four hundred by the time I was Finished! Phew!
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