I Witness

By KangaZu

Silly Saturday ...

... Joe (Christmas) Tree Day!

Thanks to Cailleach for the reminder that today is the day we should all celebrate the founder of our wonderful site and community ... Joe Tree!

And thanks to davidc for keeping Silly Saturday alive, too!  I know that the hosted Silly Saturday is being pushed to next week but I simply had to use this painted Christmas tree rock today in honor of Joe Tree.  I found it a while ago and hadn't featured it here on blip before today.

knowing that today was Joe Tree Day Richard did some searching and found a story of a man that had carved an eagle from an old tree that to be cut down on his property.  After lunch we took a drive to Allentown to find it.  We able to locate the house and eagle carving ... but I wasn't very impressed with my pictures.  The carving wasn't in the best location for getting decent pictures so I was glad to have my little painted Christmas tree rock.  Please have a look full screen.

Happy Joe Tree Day 2025!

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