Capital adventures

By marchmont

Another bally sunset

It was either that or pictures of tropical sea and sand. 

Better day today. I'm always better when I'm doing things. Today was out to the NW to go snorkelling off Menjangan Island, v close to Java. It took nearly an hour and a half, bit bumpy but not too much traffic. There are more signs of the Muslim faith here, perhaps due to the proximity to Java: more Muslim women, every village seemed to have a Masjid on the main road and a couple of Madrasahs. And quite a few Warung Muslim, usually right next to Ines advertising Bali's pork speciality. 

There were 20 of us on the trip, 16 Hungarians, 3 Belgians (not French!) and me. None of the rest really some English, only the guide, Ani. 

It took 20 minutes to get to the snorkel site and then we snorkelled for an hour then had lunch on the beach. The snorkelling was amazing, especially at the reef edge. The beach less so, a lot of pollution, bad for a National Park. Though Ani said tomorrow the duvets have a beach and ocean clean up day. On the beach, hiding in the trees were 3 of the deer the island is named for (extra). 

A second hour or so of snorkelling at a different site, the coral was amazing then back to Lovina. I was really pleased I hadn't felt sick but unfortunately the young Belgian girl was. She's been sick when we arrived and didn't snorkel the second time and was just nae weel. She lay down on way home. 

That took longer than anticipated as we were taking back the guide from the other boat but he was in the other bus to start and was delayed as the Hungarian group went to the market. 

There were Baloch clouds over the mountains and in parts there had obviously been very heavy rain but none in Lovina. Yesterday there was none in Singaraja, hardly any distance up the road. It looked like there might be a sunset. 

But I opted for a manicure/pedicure to use up some rupiah and it needed done. It took longer than I'd anticipated and she finished just after 7 and although the sun had gone I caught the amazing afterglow as I sat on my beanbag in the beach with my large Bintang (no glass!). 

Back to Warung Ayu for a large dinner with 2 very small glasses of Hatten wine. The vineyards are on the way to the island but the winery is in Sanur. 

Bought some coffee and then back for a very short read outside then bed. 

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