Self Portrait ...
Reflected in a giraffe's eye.
Today we are still in Nairobi, because both the port and the airport in Port Louis, Mauritius (where we were supposed to return to the ship today) have been closed because of the cyclone currently battering that part of the world.
So, instead we spent a wonderful day visiting a workshop which is run by Masai women who make the beautiful traditional African beadwork that can be found on belts, jewelry, and other items. We learned how the ladies make the beads from clay, rolling it into the shapes they desire, then meticulously hand painting them with designs before firing in a kiln. It felt almost like summer camp, because we all got to make a small clay animal using clay and a mold (I made an elephant and Mr. W did a turtle). Then the ladies showed us how they create the beadwork, and Mr. W did a fine job of stringing colourful beads on fishing line.
We then proceeded to Karen Blixen's (a.k.a. Isak Dinesen, author of Out of Africa) home, where we enjoyed a delicious lunch in the gorgeous garden there before moving on to the Giraffe Centre -- home to the endangered Rothschild's giraffe. Here we learned about Kenya's conservation efforts, met several lovely giraffe, and got to hand feed them!
This is a close up of a beautiful giraffe eye, complete with the eyelashes I wish I could have. It wasn't until I started to edit today's photos that I realized that if you look closely, you can see me reflected in that languid, beautiful dark brown eye!
We will be in Nairobi again tomorrow, and plan to fly to Mauritius to reunite with the ship on Sunday, fingers crossed! We've had the most spectacular time, but I am down to my last clean set of clothing!
PS: Who knew giraffes had eyebrows!!!!
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