A cloudy start to the day. I went off for a wee daunder after breakfast. In the woods, I spotted this wren singing its alarm call as I neared. It was quite brave and stayed put until I got my photo, then flew off. Not many people out today.
When home I start on today's task which is to build the shell of a drawer unit for my partner's craft desk. This didn't take long. However the desk top doesn't have the required holes to attach it, and in its current configuration, the light box would get broken. I have to reconfigure the desk first, then turn it upside down to work out how to position the drawer unit, and mark out the screw holes.
After lunch, I drilled the holes for the screws and attached the legs at the other end. The screws go in really well, and the desk is very stable. Another additional task was to fit a four socket extension lead at the end of the desk to make it easier to work on the desk.
Finished mid afternoon, so we head out to the garden centre for afternoon coffee and cake. We time it well as a rain shower has just passed by. The walk was mainly in sunshine. In the distance, we do spot a heron across the other side of a field. It is feeding, so I am guessing the field is waterlogged, so no walking across the field to get a photo of it. In the restaurant, the cake I choose is very light, for good reason. In the evening, we head out for an evening meal as it is my partner's birthday.
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