Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Fake blues

Put my working clothes on this morning and tried to decide what I should do outside. Lots of choice, but I ended up talking to a neighbour for a while then trying to find a suitable piece of wood to prop up a leaning Cordyline. The squirrel was about, so I put some hazelnuts out on the deck fence. Then it started to rain so I came in. A bit later on the sun came out, so I was about to go out again when MrsM spotted the squirrel back again, so I popped out with the camera, stood on the door step and got a couple of reasonable pictures. He jumped off the fence to run past the door then spotted me, putting his foot down!  I took a picture, not totally sharp, but he was speeding!  He seems to have tied himself into a knot - my extra today.

After lunch MrsM and I went down to the furniture shop and made a final decision to buy the most comfortable chair I had found the other day. If it's not suitable it's too bad - it's being delivered tomorrow!

On the way back I spotted a small bird perched on a post beside the road. I managed to stop for a look - it looked vaguely like a blue tit. I pulled into the car park for a better look - and it was a fake! It's the wrong colour for a blue tit - a combination of several tits, I think, but a fun Blip! I wonder how long before somebody nicks it!

Quote of the Day: 'The highway of life is filled with flat squirrels that couldn't make a decision.' - John C. Maxwell.

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