Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

A stony spot

Another day of very mixed weather. It began with average wetness and later on we had an absolute downpour - enough to overflow the gutters. I spent some of the morning sorting pictures for the next Photo Club competition and got everything ready to send them to the judge via WeTransfer, which has become the norm. This competition is for the Argyll Cup - all the images have to be identifiably taken in Argyll and the donor of the trophy and the judge is fairly local. Having sent them I received a message saying that they couldn't be delivered. I tried again - and again, with the same message, so I emailed her to check the address and she replied that she didn't have much spare space on her phone and gave me her office email address. I tried that three times then gave up!

By now the sun had come out so I decided to take the stick to her - only 15 minutes or so away by car. On the way I stopped above Pennyfuir cemetery and took a few pictures in case I couldn't find anything else. I drove down to the side of Loch Etive in North Connel and found a likely spot to get a good sunlit picture of the Connel Bridge. Got out of the car and the sun went in! So my Blip today is of the cemetery from a different viewpoint.

Arrived at my destination and after about 15 minutes the judge managed to download the pictures and I was free to come home!

Quote of the Day: 'Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.' - Anthony J. D'Angelo.

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