Ferns, hail and postage

Another dull morning, so I got on with indoor stuff. I was trying to find a source of stainless steel screws and springs for attaching the Dunollie labels to tree trunks. I'd emailed the lady who engraved the labels and she gave me the website address for a company, so I had a look and was pleased to find that they stocked just what I wanted - packs of 10 screws, springs and washers for £7.80. I ordered two packs, only to find that the cost of postage - to the Scottish Highlands, of course! - was £39.40! I wrote to complain, and they replied to say that they would reduce the postage to £6! Still seems a lot, but I shall probably go for it.

It looked reasonably dry after lunch when I left to walk down to the gym. I put on my waterproof trousers just in case, which as it happened, was a good idea! It rained all the way. Even more unsure about the Strength & Balance today - it really doesn't help my dodgy hip!
We were treated to beautiful sunshine over lunchtime, so I planned a good walk along the seafront with the camera, but the sun went in as I walked down the road and it rained lightly for the next hour and a half until I got home. I did find a new fern in Marks & Sparks, which doesn't often happen! It was labelled in the usual crazy way - 'Phlebodium, Nephroplepis, Asparagaceae' - which is confusing, as the first is in the family Polypodiaceae, the second in the family Nephrolepidaceae and neither is in the family Asparagaceae, as far as I can tell! An indoor fern, anyway.

And now, as I write, a mixture of rain and hail is battering down and violent wind is driving it against the windows! Glad I got home in time! Oh, what am I on about! The wind has dropped, it's still raining and the sun is shining! What a lovely day - I shall get the sun bed out!

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