Snapshots of reality

By ktbm

World´s Most Dangerous Road

This is the world´s most dangerous road, aka the death road. Today I went there to cycle down it! The first part of the day was just cycling 30km on the tarmac road, and it was stunningly beautiful. Sadly they wouldn´t let me carry my bag or my camera so I´ll have to rely on their photos. At the bottom we arrived for breakfast at a big street party for a small town! It was 10.30am and everyone was drinking beer (and giving us beer), dancing and drunk. They had a big marching band as well. After this we got the bus 8km up the hill and then arrived at death road itself...where we started cycling! It wasn´t that scary, just the surface was rocky and gravelly and a bit slippy. A few parts of the road were very narrow! I definitely preferred being on a small bike to in a car. As it was a Sunday there were very few vehicles on the road, so we were lucky!

We all got to the bottom safely and went for lunch at a restaurant with a swimming pool, so did some sunbathing too. Then it was time to get the bus back to La Paz, which took three hours! There I went for dinner with one of the girls who I went with, and then met some of the girls from the tour in the hostel bar.

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