Snapshots of reality

By ktbm

Hi donkey

This morning we woke up early and our host families had made us breakfast of pancakes! After breakfast we helped to collect water from a tap up the hill, then all met up at the local football pitch to walk up to the top of the hill to the pachatata temple. It was a great view of Lake Titicaca, which is so big it´s hard to remember that it´s a lake and not the sea. We said goodbye to our host families at the port (after lunch, which was soup and then a plate of potatoes that tasted like sweetcorn) and got the boat to the Uros floating islands. These islands are made of reeds and people live on them in houses made of reeds. They smell a bit because of the reeds rotting under water but were very interesting - they have a toilet island that they have to use a reed boat to get to!

We went back to Puno and had a meal - pizza with lots of wine - while watching traditional dancers. After the meal we all went to a bar where we danced and drank cocktails!

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