Snapshots of reality

By ktbm

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

This morning we got up and packed our daypacks to go to Lake Titicaca. We got tricycles down to the dock for 8am and then got a boat out to Taquile Island, where we spent a few hours wandering around and having lunch. This part was run by a different guide, and we lost one of our group. By the time we got to the port to leave the island we didn´t know where one of the girls was, so we had to drift around the island scanning the path - and luckily found her so went back to collect her. The guide didn´t get many tips!

On Taquile it was a holiday, so there were lots of colourful local dancers in the main square playing music. It was really cool to see. After Taquile we got the boat to Amantani island, where we met our host families, played football with them (at altitude), dressed in traditional clothing and then went to their houses for dinner. They have nice little houses, with eucalyptus wood stoves. They cooked us soup and rice with pasta stew, and it was really tasty!

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