
By KathyH58

Cold and windy

Another cold and windy day. It was hard to get a photo of the squirrel, the feeder kept swaying in the wind.
It is still a sheet of ice outside. Schools in HRM were open today and I saw a lot of parents complaining as most of the school yards were still coated in ice. Steps going up to the schools had not been cleared and most did not even have sand on them. Apparently the school janitors are responsible for clearing snow off the steps leading up to the schools, as well as entranceways and pathways. BUT, schools were canceled on Friday due to the storm on Thursday night, then it was the weekend, and a 3 day weekend at that, with another storm on Sunday night. So the janitors have been off for 4 days. It doesn't make sense. They should have the contractors who do the parking lots do the walkways and steps too. Then everything can get done overnight.

I didn't sleep well last night, the wind was noisy all night. The power did go off and stay off for awhile. I'm not sure how long it was off. It was back on when I woke up around 4 am. I reset my clock radio and the alarm at that time, but didn't realize I had set the alarm for 6 pm rather than 6 am. I was only about a half hour late getting up. I only had one person working with me today, and I had told her yesterday to meet me at 9:30 instead of 9. I'm glad that I did that.

Temperatures are supposed to go up to 0 C tomorrow and possibly a degree or 2 above freezing. It looks like we are going to get some relief from the cold, windy weather we have been having. It should be a short workday again tomorrow so if the temperatures do go up, I can put some salt on the driveway and start getting rid of some of the ice.

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