Glass Apple
My big achievement today was to move from the couch to the bed! John is feeling better in general except for a hacking cough which kept us both awake last night, even though I have been sleeping in the guest room. We both have Covid brain, but between us we probably have one reasonably functioning one.
The only real fruit in the house is the oft photographed tangerines and limes from our still producing trees, so I've opted for the also oft photographed glass apple with a nice ray of sunshine hitting it.
John just came back from a visit to his doctor, recommended in his discharge notes from the hospital. I couldn't see the point of going there and it didn't seem like she gave him much useful advice, but he wanted to go and seemed happy with their chat, so I guess it was worth it for him. He said she told him that he shouldn't 'give in' to it which he interpreted as meaning he could go to the store. He keeps wondering how he could possibly have gotten Covid and I suggested that the most likely place was said store, and that perhaps he should wait a few more days before going anyplace public. She also told him that it would go away, but not when. Getting information out of the man is difficult, but I don't have the energy to try to find out anything else....
Probably his first outing to a public place should be to search out some Covid test kits, but nobody seems to care about contagion anymore....
It's hard to remember back to the lockdown days....
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