
By Wildwood

Mono Monday. : Ugly

These ugly telephone poles and wires give me another chance to rant about our power company, PG&E. (Pacific Gas & Electric) As I’m sure everybody who reads this journal, is aware by now, they are the company that started several of the devastating wildfires in Northern California, were found liable and went into bankruptcy (twice) to avoid paying the full settlement. They’ve raised our rates four times in the last year or so in order to cover the rest. They have numerous ads on television on what they are doing to make their equipment safer (which in our street appears to be nothing even though it was the epicenter of the last fire. Nobody believes them anyway. They could do something more useful with their money. They also claim they are ‘committed to’ under grounding many hundred miles of power lines, but from what I have read that amounts to 5 miles’ worth in Santa Rosa . I haven’t seen any sign of it.

Anyway, I hate these things because they are so ugly. There are four like this in the space of one lot on Los Alamos which forced the owner to build his house behind us (sort of) because there was no place for a driveway between these poles and even if there was, the four poles would have been in his front yard!

If I sound grumpy, it’s because I am. I have succumbed to Covid and have barely been off the couch all day. John got up for a couple of hours today and fed the birds, but he’s gone back to bed. We’re like a couple of zombies stumbling around. Dana and Jim have brought food and they came and took Spike for a walk this morning so we’re being well taken care of. I profoundly hope we don’t return the favor by infecting them.

They told us in the hospital that they were seeing far more flu than Covid this winter. Sort of ironic that we have made it through this whole pandemic, gotten all our recommended vaccinations and now, as
It is dying out we have it.

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