
By Wildwood

Dispiriting Drizzle...

...would pretty well describe the weather with us. The sun made various attempts to come out but is losing the battle, just coming out from underneath the clouds as it sets.

Dana brought us a fridge load of prepared foods and goodies, so we're  having no trouble feeding ourselves, although our appetites aren't really keeping up with it all. I have lost my sense of taste and smell. 

On Saturday, after we got home from the hospital I went to our pharmacy to get the recommended meds plus a thermometer. It is one of those huge stores full of empty or understocked shelves with half of what they do have under lock and key requiring one to search out someone with the key. Not an easy task to find anybody. I made do with what I could get and showed my ID to get the cough medicine .They used to prescribe a cough syrup with codeine which worked, but the doc at the hospital said they couldn't prescribe it now, and he wasn't very impressed by the substitute he did prescribe and I showed my ID for. Of course I could give it to anybody I want, or sell it on the street as soon as I walk out the door with it. Once home I realized why the thermometer was so expensive...$30. it's been years since I bought a thermometer. I just thought it was thermometer inflation. 

Turns out once I got it home that it is a smart thermometer and I have to connect it to an app on my phone before it will work. Really? Even if I could figure it out in my exhausted state, why would I? I did give it one try, but I couldn't download the app on my phone because it didn't like my password. Why on earth would I even want to have a record of my temperature on my phone? I ordered a dumb thermometer on Amazon for $6.95.

My one year (and final) follow-up visit with the knee surgeon is coming up and they called to say that they are taking out their old x-ray machine and installing a new one on the day of my appointment, and could I just pop into the hospital x-ray center where they have sent a request? I'll wait a day or two before I answer them, but I'm pretty sure the answer is no. 

At the urging of Walking Wombat, I'm sending a link to Blipfoto's community blog celebrating our 9th anniversary. If you aren't a member of this user owned and operated site please consider becoming one. It is the best money you will ever spend: Beats a smart thermometer hands down for just a little bit more money. You'll have a record of your whole life!

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