Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Busy day with my annual visit to my optometrist this morning, followed by 90 minutes of retraining from Cancer Hope Network where I volunteer as a mentor.  Add to that I am just a bit under the weather with sinus congestion and lingering fatigue.  The end up being that it was 4:30 and I realized I didn't have a blip - this has been an all-too-familiar scenario of late.  It's cold and windy again today but I braved it for about 8 minutes, long enough to get a passable shot of one of the chickadees with some nice golden light in the background.  He/she perched nicely on the weeping cherry tree which has very small buds all over the limbs...surely spring can't be too far away?

The optometrist is going to try a slightly different fit on my Scleral lens which is the large glass lens I wear in my non-tearing right eye to keep it moist.  For people like me, these lenses are life-changing because 1) I don't have to keep heavy ointment in my eye 24-7, and 2) it keeps my cornea healthy.  Regular daily-wear contact in my left eye.  And I am also getting my eye glasses redone so that the right glass has no prescription (meaning I can wear with Scleral) and the left eye will be the latest prescription.  This just gives me options which is particularly nice when I travel.

Hubs liked the martial arts place he visited last night and is going to sign up for beginning Akido starting next week.  


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