
By H22

Place: Ashburn, VA 33/38
Main activity: Sat - around the house, Michelle's/Suzanne (cropped out)
Notes: Up and did some around-the-house stuff and made coffee. Did a load of whites, online some, watching Cheers. Ended up having some smoked salmon w/ cream cheese and the last boiled egg from Michelle's. Was soon noon - talked to Michelle on the phone and agreed to be there around 4p - we're cooking roasted potatoes and broccoli and sauteed salmon to eat w/ Suzanne. Had the vision thing again, a little bigger and more colorful on the left side this time - cleared it even quicker but head still a bit tight. Left ~330p for Michelle's - miserable drive and had to park nearly a block away as the rain increased (was kind of grouchy!). Evening was nice tho - roasted potates and onions and roasted broccoli and then we sauteed 2 salmon filets and chatted w/ Suzanne. I left a bit after 7p, still a full 25 min to get back. Took a hot shower and just stayed upstairs, watched some shows in bed.

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