
By H22

Place: Ashburn, VA 29/41
Main activity: Fri - WF, around the house
Notes: Sleeping in ~ 2 hrs chunks and then didn't get up till after 8a. Decided to make the run to Whole Foods first thing - quite cold out but sunny. Got 6 of the 16oz. kombuchas that were on sale - tried a bunch of new flavors that are hard to find in the big ones. Back and made coffee, around the house, online and watched some vids the rest of the day. Talked to Susan a bit and sent out a reminder for those that bought the Poppy Donor VIP tix and then heard from Carlene and re-sized the poster for them to print and put in the window of the new location. Still feeling pretty out of it and got the blip in my central vision again but didn't last too long. Didn't think I would keep on the light fasting but didn't want much or all the heavy stuff. Had veggie broth mid afternoon. Quiet evening.

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